
Miley Cyrus' Mom is Not Dead

There is a vicious rumor going around that Miley's mom died before she got the part of Hannah Montana on the Hannah Montana show. That is definitely not true. Here are some recent photos of Miley and her mum so it can't be true,


Anonymous said...

who is that by the way love the dress

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol the "rumors" arent actually that. the people in that link are talkin about in the tv show not in real life

Anonymous said...

her dad remarried which means that's her stepmom

felinecuriosity said...

I think you're confused, Billy Ray Cyrus was married before but his second marriage was to Miley's mum. He is still married to her... Miley even looks like her. Grr! you people really should do your research before commenting on stuff it's embarassing!

team_edward said...

that rumour is ridiculous, in hannah montana's - live in london concert, she even says that her mum came with her to london!!!!

Anonymous said...

you can tell in this picture that her and her mom stwiched hair extentions. miley has the blonde ones from her mom (they are the same color) and her mom has her color

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